Useful Commands for ASU Sol

The official documentation:

Creating Virtual Environment for Jupyter

In the shell:

# begin an interactive session and request a GPU node to install the environment
$ interactive -G 1
$ module purge
$ module load mamba/latest
# clone an environment, e.g., pytorch GPU version
$ mamba create --name myenv --clone pytorch-gpu-2.2.1
$ source activate myenv
# install other packages
$ mamba install -c conda-forge [package]
# make sure the environment is available for Jupyter
$ mkjupy myenv "myenv"

Request a Jupyter session through: Choose the installed environment in Launcher.

Installing R packages

In the shell:

$ module load r-4.3.2-gcc-11.2.0
$ R
> install.packages("myPackage")

and follow the instructions.

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